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Friday, 10 August 2012

GATE 2013

How to Apply?

Before Applying, candidates are advised to go through the preliminary requirements given in this website and FAQ or download the GATE 2013 Brochure and read it carefully.
All candidates have to apply ONLINE. Details of the application fee and the steps in the application process are given below. The application fee is non-refundable.
CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBC-NC (Male Applicants) 1200/-
SC / ST / PD* (Male Applicants) 600/-
Female Applicants 0 (Exempted)
* PD: Person with a Physical Disability

 Filling in Application Online

  1. GATE Online Applicant Interface (website) can be accessed using this link.
  2. You must first register yourself, by providing a valid email address.  Choose this carefully to be the one you check frequently, as all communications to you from the GATE offices will be sent to this address (Do not use anybody else’s email address; Only one person can register with one email address).
  3. Upon registration, an email will be sent with a link. You will be required to choose a password when you click on the link.  Choose a password that is not easily guessable (should not be, for example: your name, DOB, 12345, asdf, etc.), so as to ensure that the data you provide is not accessible to any person other than yourself.
  4. Next you will see an application form to be filled in.  Keep the following information ready:
    1. Personal information
    2. Communication Address (Important: PIN Code)
    3. Eligibility Degree Details (College address, PIN Code of College)
    4. GATE paper, Choice of GATE examination cities
    5. High quality image of  your photograph conforming to these requirements
    6. Good quality image of your signature (in .jpeg format) conforming to requirements similar to photograph
    7. Optional: PDF/JPEG files of supporting documents (Eligibility & Category Certificates) (max file size: per file 0.5 MB; see more details below in section ‘supporting documents’)
    8. Optional: Your Netbanking login and password to make the application fee payment (only for Male applicants).
  5. Fill in the necessary data in the online application form following instructions given there. Upload the required soft copies of photo and signature.
  6. Optional: You may upload PDF files of supporting documents conforming to the eligibility (except principal’s certificate) and category requirements given below in section Supporting Documents
  7. You will have to select one of the two payment option (details given below) while filling the online form.
  8. The GATE Online Applicant Interface allows you to enter data, “Save” partially filled form, “Logout”, and resume filling in by logging in again.
  9. Once you finally submit the application, no further changes to the application can be made by the applicant.
  10. Applicants who have selected online payment option will follow the instructions given below for online netbanking in payment section and complete payment process. Those who have selected challan payment option will directly proceed to the next step.
  11. You will then see a link to “Print Application Form”.  You have to download a PDF file from this link and print it. It will contain four pages as mentioned below
    1. Page 1: Instructions and Address slip where you need to send hard copy
    2. Page 2-3: Two copies of application form with bottom part showing certificate to be signed by principal (if need be)
    3. Page 4: Optional page for applicants who select “bank challan” mode of payment. This page will contain 3 copies of challan to be processed with bank

Supporting Documents

Applicants have an option to upload supporting documents online.  Please make sure that the max file size permitted to upload per file is 0.5 MB. For scanning the documents please use the following setting
  1. Resolution: 200 dpi
  2. Color mode: 256 colors
  3. File format: PDF or JPEG

Eligibility Documents

Eligibility criteria and necessary supporting documents can be found here

SC/ST/PD Certificate

  1. Only male applicants who claim to be in any of the category SC/ST/PD have to produce valid documentary evidence, to qualify for the reduced fee.
  2. Female applicants need not provide any SC/ST certificate, as the fee is exempted.
  3. However, if any female applicant requests a scribe to assist writing the exam, a PD certificate has to be provided.

Application Fee Payment Options

Non-refundable application fee is charged only for male applicants. Female applicants are exempted from the payment of application fee.  All charges given below are in Indian Rupees.
CategoryModeApplication FeeBank ChargesTotal to be Paid
Male General/OBC-NCOnline Netbanking1200101210
Canara Bank Challan1200201220
SBI Challan1200251225
Male SC/ST/PDOnline Netbanking60010610
Canara Bank Challan60020620
SBI Challan60025625
FemaleNo  Application Fee

Online Netbanking Payment Details

  1. From the GATE Online Application Interface, you will be redirected to a bank you choose.
  2. You will have to login with your bank’s Netbanking (or Internet Banking) user ID and password.
  3. The fee amount and bank charges will be shown to you, and you have to confirm that the payment is for GATE 2013.
  4. Once you confirm, you will be redirected back to the GATE Online Application Interface.
  5. If you have some difficulty (due to internet connection or power failure), and you are not sure if you have made the payment,  please login back to GATE Online Application Interface and check the status of the payment.  You can also check the status in your bank.
  6. In case the fee amount has been debited from your bank account but not reached GATE, then the money will be credited back to your account within three working days.
  7. In such a case, you may initiate a fresh payment from the GATE Online Interface, even without waiting for the money to be credited back to your account, so that your application is submitted to GATE office on time.  You may also switch to offline Challan payments if need be.

Offline Challan Payment Details

  1. If you had chosen offline payment option while filling in the form, you will be provided with a copy of the challan in triplicate (PDF file) with your details filled in. You have to print it out on an A4 paper, and have to fill in a few more details such as date and signature.
  2. You have to wait for at least 48 hours after generation of application PDF online and then take filled challan to the bank for payment of fees. 
  3. You may take the challan to any branch of the bank you opted: Canara Bank or SBI  and make application fees payment. You do not need to have an account in that branch.
  4. The bank teller will verify the details printed on the challan with the data available at the bank and then accept the payment. Note that your payment will NOT be accepted if you go to bank earlier than 48 hrs as mentioned above. This is because it will take some time after application PDF has been generation online to reflect the data in respective bank’s system.
  5. The bank will retain one copy and give you back the remaining copies: one of which you have to send along with the printed application form and the other is for your reference.

Mailing Documents to GATE Office

The printed application form along with the documents must be mailed by speed post to the Zonal office, as mentioned in the printed address slip that comes along with the PDF file of the application form. Before mailing, the following procedures need to be completed

Before Mailing

  1. Out of the printed pages, keep one copy of application form (page 2) for your reference and process the other copy as follows
    1. Paste a color photograph of yourself, and read the declaration and put your full signature in black ink, in appropriate boxes provided. This photograph and signature should EXACTLY match the one in the photograph file uploaded electronically to the GATE Online Interface; your application is liable to be rejected otherwise.
    2. Do not pin, sign, or attest the photograph.
    3. You must sign in the box provided.
    4. In case principal’s certificate happens to be proof of your eligibility, Submit the whole page (without cutting it) to your College principal’s office. Bottom portion of the form contains the part that your college principal has to certify. Once you obtain principal’s signature and stamp this is ready to go in application packet to be sent.
  2. If you had paid the application fee by challan, bank would have returned you stamped GATE copy of challan. Keep it ready to go in application packet to be sent.
  3. You will also find half page of instruction and half page address slip.  Cut this address slip, which contains the address of the Zonal office (along with application bar code), where the application form needs to be posted to.
  4. Make sure you are ready with the following CHECK LIST:
    1. The signed application form (with photograph affixed) with, the Principal’s certificate if that is proof of your eligibility to appear in GATE 2013.
    2. Other eligibility documents to appear for GATE 2013 (degree certificate) only in case PDF files of these are NOT uploaded to online interface.
    3. Category certificate for claiming discounted application fee in case PDF files of these areNOT uploaded to online interface.
    4. PD certificate if you request for a scribe assistance.
    5. GATE copy of Challan duly stamped by the bank after payment of fees (you need not submit challan in case of payment by net banking, as these details will be filled in).


  1. Use A4 sized envelope and put application form along with other documents mentioned in the CHECK LIST above.
  2. Do NOT FOLD the application form and Do NOT STAPLE or pin the documents.
  3. Do not fill address by hand, as the address slip provided contains a special codes necessary for processing your application. Note that the codes on these address slips are different for each applicant. DO NOT use someone else’s address slip for your application.
  4. Secure the address slip firmly to the envelope using good glue or with additional transparent sticky tape (cello-tape).
  5. Send the packet by Speed Post (preferably) or by Registered Post to the address mentioned. The application packet should REACH the respective GATE offices on or before Monday, 8 October 2012. Alternatively it can also be handed over personally to the respective Zonal GATE Office on or before Monday, 8th October, 2012. (Note: Applicationsreaching respective offices later than 8th October 2012 may not be considered even if they are post marked 8th  October, 2012 or earlier)
  6. If you had uploaded the supporting documents online, you should post only the application form page (with principal’s certification if applicable).  There is no need to post the paper copies of other documents.
Current status of your application will be updated after receipt and scrutinizing of your application by respective GATE offices. This status can be checked anytime by logging onto your GATE Online Applicant Interface.

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