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Sunday, 23 October 2011

EWRI (Environmental & Water Resources Institute) Congress 2012

Environmental and water resources cross political, geographic, social, and technical discipline boundaries. Environmental and water resources professionals are facing the challenges associated with "crossing boundaries," and are determining sustainable solutions for improving the quality of life and benefitting society.

This specialized multi-disciplinary technical knowledge will be on display at ASCE-EWRI's
you to participate in this intellectually and professionally stimulating Congress. We professionals in the environmental and water resources community have found this annual Congress to be an important opportunity to convene and focus on issues and needs of the day pertaining to our profession and interest.

In addition to outstanding technical symposia, workshops, sessions, and tours, as well as annual committee meetings, the Congress offers you many opportunities to network with peers and become involved through exhibits, co-sponsorships, cooperating organizations, student and international activities, and much more. Additionally, fun social events are scheduled to allow you time to enjoy the unique environment of Albuquerque.

May 20, 2012 - May 24, 2012 · Albuquerque, USA

http://content.asce.org/conferences/ewri2012/index.html for more info.

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