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Sunday, 23 October 2011

call for papers--- International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering

I am very glad to present you the 11th edition of EEEIC (International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering) one of the most important international event on energy matters. EEEIC, in fact, is an annual conference founded, under the IEEE and PES sponsorship, by a group of Universities with the aim to promote a Forum, where people involved with energy systems may exchange their experiences and present solutions found for actual and future problems. The conference, as usual, includes, besides technical sessions and tutorials, also an exhibition where manufacturers, distributors and all other energy operators have the opportunity to show their last products/realizations. As for international agreements, the 10th edition of the Conference will be held in Venice from the 17th to 19th May 2012 and the Electronic Engineering department of ROMA TRE University has been, accordingly, appointed to organize the event. The Rome EEEIC edition, therefore, is already gearing up to welcome some 500 attendees, from over 40 countries, who will attend a four day Conference on energy systems . We feel confident that you will not want to miss the opportunities and the brand visibility that this Conference can provide to your company. You may either want to play a key role as a privileged supporter or, more simply, as an exhibitor and/ or participant. To help you choose your role at the 2012 Rome EEEIC Conference, we enclose a number of options to would-be supporters. However, due to the expected impact of this event on the world-wide energy industry, we would need to receive your response no later than November 30, 2010. If you are just interested to attend the meeting, 

Registration Deadline
Mar 31, 2012
Abstract Submission Deadline
Feb 28, 2012
Poster Submission Deadline
Feb 28, 2012

I feel confident about your interest and look forward to hearing from you at the earliest.

EEEIC Steering Committee.

for more information visit http://eeeic.eu/

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