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Sunday, 23 September 2012

Protection System in Power System

This portion of our website covers almost everything related to protection system in power systemincluding standard lead and device numbers, mode of connections at terminal strips, color codes in multi-core cables, Dos and Don’ts in execution. It also covers principles of various power system protection relays and schemes including special power system protection schemes like differential relays, restricted earth fault protection, directional relays and distance relays etc. The details of transformer protection, generator protection, transmission line protection & protection of capacitor banks are also given. It covers almost everything about protection of power system.

The switchgear testing, instrument transformers like current transformer testing voltage or potential transformer testing and associated protection relay are explained in detail. The close and trip, indication and alarm circuits different of Circuit breakers are also included and explain.

Objective of power system protection

The objective of power system protection is to isolate a faulty section of electrical power system from rest of the live system so that the rest portion can function satisfactorily without any severer damage due to fault current.
Actually circuit breaker isolates the faulty system from rest of the healthy system and this circuit breakers automatically open during fault condition due to its trip signal comes from protection relay. The main philosophy about protection is that no protection of power system can prevent the flow of fault current through the system, it only can prevent the continuation of flowing of fault current by quickly disconnect the short circuit path from the system. For satisfying this quick disconnection the protection relays should have following functional requirements.

Protection system in power system

Let’s have a discussion on basic concept of Protection system in power system and coordination ofprotection relays.
power system protection relays
In the picture the basic connection of protection relay has been shown. It is quite simple. The secondary of current transformer is connected to the current coil of relay. And secondary of voltage transformer is connected to the voltage coil of the relay. Whenever any fault occurs in the feeder circuit, proportionate secondary current of the CT will flow through the current coil of the relay due to which mmf of that coil is increased. This increased mmf is sufficient to mechanically close the normally open contact of the relay. This relay contact actually closes and completes the DC trip coil circuit and hence the trip coil is energized. The mmf of the trip coil initiates the mechanical movement of the tripping mechanism of the circuit breaker and ultimately the circuit breaker is tripped to isolate the fault.

The functional requirements of protection relay


The most important requisite of protective relay is reliability. They remain inoperative for a long time before a fault occurs; but if a fault occurs, the relays must respond instantly and correctly.


The relay must be operated in only those conditions for which relays are commissioned in the electrical power system. There may be some typical condition during fault for which some relays should not be operated or operated after some definite time delay hence protection relay must be sufficiently capable to select appropriate condition for which it would be operated.


The relaying equipment must be sufficiently sensitive so that it can be operated reliably when level of fault condition just crosses the predefined limit.


The protective relays must operate at the required speed. There must be a correct coordination provided in various power system protection relays in such a way that for fault at one portion of the system should not disturb other healthy portion. Fault current may flow through a part of healthy portion since they are electrically connected but relays associated with that healthy portion should not be operated faster than the relays of faulty portion otherwise undesired interruption of healthy system may occur. Again if relay associated with faulty portion is not operated in proper time due to any defect in it or other reason, then only the next relay associated with the healthy portion of the system must be operated to isolate the fault. Hence it should neither be too slow which may result in damage to the equipment nor should it be too fast which may result in undesired operation.

Important Elements for power system protection

Switch gear

Consists of mainly Bulk oil Circuit breaker, Minimum oil Circuit breaker, SF6 Circuit breaker, Air Blast Circuit breaker and Vacuum Circuit breaker etc. Different operating mechanisms such as solenoid, spring, pneumatic, hydraulic etc. are employed in Circuit Breaker. Circuit Breaker is the main part of protection system in power system it automatically isolate the faulty portion of the system by opening its contacts.

Protective gear

Consists of mainly power system protection relays like current relays, voltage relays, impedance relays, power relays, frequency relays, etc. based on operating parameter, definite time relays, inverse time relays, stepped relays etc. as per operating characteristic, logic wise such as differential relays, over fluxing relays etc. During fault the protection relay gives trip signal to the associated circuit breaker for opening its contacts.

Station Battery

All the circuit breakers of electrical power system are DC (Direct Current) operated. Because DC power can be stored in battery and if situation comes when total failure of incoming power occurs, still the circuit breakers can be operated for restoring the situation by the power of storage battery. Hence the battery is another essential item of the power system. Some time it is referred as the heart of the electrical substation. A Substation battery or simply a Station battery containing a number of cells accumulate energy during the period of availability of A.C supply and discharge at the time when relays operate so that relevant circuit breaker is tripped.



Organised by:
Arunai Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Key dates:

First call for papers - 01st August 2012
Opening of the abstracts submission - 01st August 2012
Deadline for abstracts submission - 31st October 2012
Author notification - 10th November 2012
Registration opening - 01st November 2012
Deadline for full paper submission - 31st December 2012
Deadline for the early-bird registrations- 31st December 2012
Deadline for accomodation booking - 31st December 2012

ICBEST 2013 Conference - 27-30 January 2013




Call for Papers

For any queries feel free to Contact Us:

Phone: +91 4175 255101

Mobile: +91 98420 73165

Fax: +91 4175 237789

Mail: best2013@biotechpage.com

How to Reach The College :

The Convenor
Department of Biotechnology
Arunai Engineering College
Tiruvannamalai - 606603

Nearest Airport
1. Chennai - MAA - Anna International Airport
2. Bangalore - BLR - Bangalore International Airport
Nearest Railway Station

Tiruvannamalai - Tiruvannamalai railway station has connectivity with all parts of the country. The nearst railway junction is Katpadi (Vellore) located around 95 Kms from Tiruvannamalai, and Villupuram Junction located around 65 Kms from TiruvannamalaiReaching by bus

Tiruvannamalai has good connectivity with all parts of the state and also with nearby states like Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation operates buses frequently from Chennai.


NCEAPQ-12, National Conference on Energy Audit & Power Quality

Event: NCEAPQ-12, National Conference on Energy Audit & Power Quality

Organised by:
DR. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th-6th October 2012
Last Date for paper Submission : 24/09/2012..
Date of Intimation : 26/09/2012
Last Date for Registration : 27/09/2012

The conference on Energy Audit and Power Quality is organized to provide a unique opportunity for exchanging Scientific, Research and Technological achievements accomplished by National and International community, in addition to acquiring additional knowledge from experts. The conference is also indented to attract students, professionals and Research Scholars who are actively engaged in the study of Energy Management, Energy Audit and Power Quality.
This Conference is motivated by Academic Staff College of the University, Headed by Dr. Uma Rajaram. It is believed that this conference will generate new ideas for conserving Electrical Energy and for providing Quality Power.


Conference Topics
Energy audit at home & Green energy
Power quality &cost of various energy inputs
Energy savings/quality of Power in India
Energy Conservation in Hotel Industry
Wastage of Resources
Utilization of Electrical Energy
Relating energy input and production output.
Power quality and Smart grid
Energy efficient motors and machines
Power Quality monitoring
Power factor correction and their impact on Power quality& Energy savings
Issues relating to Voltage sag
Paper Submission

The authors should submit their paper in A4 size Pages (not exceeding 6 pages-IEEE formats) including text, figures, tables and references. The authors of selected papers will be intimated through email. It should be typed in single column with Times New Roman font of size 12. The soft copy of the full paper and two hard copies should be submitted on or before 24-9-2012 By Email to professoreeemgr@yahoo.com Or to the postal address given as below :

For any queries feel free to Contact Us:

Organizing Chair
Dr. V. Ganesan
email : professoreeemgr@gmail.com

Student Co-Ordinator

Om Shivam
Mob No. 9043920467

Ahmad Shakib
Mob No. 8807636746

How to Reach The College :

Organizing Secretary, NCEAPQ2012,
Department of EEE,
Dr.M.G.R.Educational & Research Institute,
Periyar E.V.R High road,
Chennai – 600095
Tamil nadu

College Way is well connected by MTC bus route from Central railway station, Koyembedu Bus Terminal.

Dr. MGR Educational & Research Institute University
Periyar E.V.R. High Road, (NH 4 Highway) Maduravoyal, Chennai - 600 095.


ICNEND 13 | Conference

Event: ICNEND 13 | Conference

Organised by:
Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu

Key dates:

Fest dates: 21st-22nd January 2013
15.11.2012- Submission of abstracts ( 500 words maximum )
30.11.2012- Notification of provisional acceptance.
10.01.2012- Submission of full lenghth manuscript.
15.12.2012- Early registration (20% discount)
15.01.2013- Last date for registration.
21.01.2013- Spot registration (Does not include conference kit)


This conference will help the researcher around the world to sit together, interact and share thier knowledge on the recent developments in nano electronics, nano devices and their implications on various applications. Interdisciplinary research ideas will also be shared among the people from different disciplines such as Electronics, Material science, Mechanical, Physics, and Chemistry. This conference will provide an ideal platform to enable efficient networks to boost the research in this vibrant field of science and technology. 

Website: http://www.icnend13.com/ 

Samyak 2012 | National Level Techno-Managment Fest

Event: Samyak 2012 | National Level Techno-Managment Fest

Organised by:
KL University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th-6th October 2012
Last date: 25th September 2012
 Website: http://www.klusamyak.in/

exQuiz me 2012 | Quiz Fest

Event: exQuiz me 2012 | Quiz Fest

Organised by:
Esparsha, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th September - 4th October 2012
Last date: 4th October 2012

Electrovibes 2k12 | ECE Department Fest

Event: Electrovibes 2k12 | ECE Department Fest

Organised by:
Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering, Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 11th - 12th October 2012
Last date: submission of ppt etc.,20/9/2012
last date for registration 5/10/2012  
Website: http://scce.ac.in/ece/ 

Potenzia 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Potenzia 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 26th-27th September 2012
Last date: 20th September 2012 
Website: http://potenzia.mgit.ac.in/ 

Aavirbhav 2k12 | Bio Technology Department Fest

Event: Aavirbhav 2k12 | Bio Technology Department Fest

Organised by:
JNTUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 25th-26th September 2012
Last date: 17th september for paper and poster and 21st september for workshop

Website: http://www.aavirbhav.org/ 

Amp 2k12 | EEE Technical Fest

Amp 2k12 | EEE Technical Fest

Organised by:
Sri Krishnadevaraya University, College of Engineering and Technology, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 28th-29th September 2012

For any queries feel free to Contact Us:


TeknoWarZ - T12 | Technical fest

Event: TeknoWarZ - T12 | Technical festOrganised by: Stanley Stephen College of Engineering and Technology, Kurnool, Andhra PradeshKey dates:Fest dates: 26th September 2012Last date: for online registration: 22/09/12Date of intimation of selected participants: 24/09/12 Website: http://teknowarz.stanleystephen.edu.in/

Event: Knowledge Discovery And Data Analysis Best Practices Using Weka

Event: Knowledge Discovery And Data Analysis Best Practices Using Weka

Organised by:
VRS & YRN College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 15th September 2012
Last date: 14th September 2012


Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) is an interdisciplinary area focusing upon
methodologies for extracting useful knowledge from data. The ongoing rapid growth of online data due to the Internet and the widespread use of databases have created an immense need for KDD methodologies. The challenge of extracting knowledge from data draws upon research in statistics, databases, pattern recognition, machine learning, data visualization, optimization, and highperformance computing, to deliver advanced
business intelligence and web discovery solutions.

Neomania 2012 | Cultural & Sports Fest

Event: Neomania 2012 | Cultural & Sports Fest

Organised by:
Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 1st-7th October 2012

Facebook Page:

Abacus 2K12 | Technical Symposium

Event: Abacus 2K12 | Technical Symposium

Organised by:
Madhira Institute of Technology and Sciences, kodad, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th-6th October 2012
Last date: 30th September 2012



Techno Breeze 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Techno Breeze 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Satyam Learning Campus Institute Engineering Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 24th-25th September 2012


Nietrolights 2k12 | Technical Fest

Event: Nietrolights 2k12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Netaji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 22nd September 2012

Website: http://www.nietrolights2k12.in/ 

Aadhya 2K12 | Technical Fest

Event: Aadhya 2K12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Santhiram Engineering College, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 30th September 2012
Last date: 20th September 2012


4 National Level Technical fest


Paper Presentation
Technical Quiz

For any queries feel free to Contact Us:

Rajesh 9989774911
viswanath 9573345199

ECFII 2K12 | Technical & Cultural Fest

Event: ECFII 2K12 | Technical & Cultural Fest

Organised by:
SreeKavitha Engineering College, Khammam, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 24th-25th September 2012
Last date: ppt's: 18/9/2012&
selections will be aknowledged by:20/9/2012


We Are Conducting The Natinal Level Technical Fest On 24 & 25 At Sreekavitha Engineering College At Kareplli, Khammam Dist

Website: www.skec.ac.in

National Conference on on Automation, Communication & Computing ( NCACC 2012

Event: National Conference on on Automation, Communication & Computing ( NCACC 2012)

Organised by: GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 7th-8th December 2012
Last date for submitting of extended
abstract (about 500 words) : October 10, 2012
Intimation of acceptance : October 17, 2012
Submission of full length
Camera-ready paper : November 5, 2012
Last date for Registration : November 20, 2012
Website: http://www.ncacc2012.com/

Rough Sets in Soft Computing Workshop

Event: Rough Sets in Soft Computing Workshop

Organised by:
PVP Siddartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 22nd September 2012
Last date:


This workshop invites Departments of CSE/IT/MCA/M.TECH AND THE FACULTY ALSO....

Rough Set Theory was introduced by Pawlak in the early 1980’s. In the last quarter
century it has become an important part of soft computing and has proved its relevance in many real-world applications.

While initially most of the articles on Rough Sets had been centered on theory, currently the focus of the research has shifted to practical usage of mathematical advances in the field of Soft Computing. A state of the art survey on Rough Sets from an application perspective is highly desirable.  
Website: http://kpponnekanti.blogspot.in/2012/09/one-day-workshop-on-rough-sets-in-soft.html

Studious 2k12 | Technical Fest

Event: Studious 2k12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Tudi Group of Institutions, Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 24-25th September 2012
Last date:


hie guys dis is to inform about our college(tudi group of institutions) fest i.e, studious 2k12 on 24th and 25th september

Spardhaa 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Spardhaa 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
SNIST, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 12th-14th October 2012
Last date:


The word 'SPARDHAA' has its basis from Sanskrit and means competition.

Website: http://spardhaa.com/ 

Brenin 2012 | State Level Chess Championship

Event: Brenin 2012 | State Level Chess Championship

Organised by:
Tirumala Engineering College, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 23rd to 24th September 2012
Last date: Sept 23rd 2012, till 10:00AM


Andhra Pradesh Chess Association(APCA) in association with TIRUMALA ENGINEERING COLLEGE proudly presents BRENIN (a state level chess championship).

“Andhra Pradesh Chess Association” have given permission to "B.Harish" A STATE SILVER MEDALIST to conduct chess competition around the state.

Under the guidance and support of Sri K.Kanna Reddy General Secretary of APCA.


Astronz 2012 | Aeronautical Engineering Department Fest

Event: Astronz 2012 | Aeronautical Engineering Department Fest

Organised by:
S.V Group of Institutions, Moinabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 3rd-5th October 2012
Last date:


Hi friends,
This is to inform to u all that, we (ASTRONZ) are conducting a fest cum workshop on 3rd, 4th, 5th of October 2012. So we are heartily welcoming to u all 2participate in thz event.


Moinabad, R.R District

Website Link: http://astronzalaric.blogspot.in/

Exuberanza 12 | All Departments Technical Fest

Event: Exuberanza 12 | All Departments Technical Fest

Organised by:
MallaReddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th-6th October 2012

Techtrix 2k12 | Technical Fest

Event: Techtrix 2k12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
MallaReddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th - 6th October 2012
 For any queries feel free to Contact Us:

Espirito 12 | Technical Fest

Espirito 12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
MallaReddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th-6th October 2012
Last date: 3rd October 2012

Maithreya 2012 | Technical Symposium

Event: Maithreya 2012 | Technical Symposium

Organised by: Siddartha Educational Academy Group of Institutions, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:
 Fest dates: 7th October 2012
 Last date: 29th September 2012

Eestitha 2012 | EEE Technical Fest

Event: Eestitha 2012 | EEE Technical Fest

Organised by:
Pydah College of Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 28th-29th September 2012
Last date: 23rd September 2012


It is an event conducted by EEE branch.it consist of cultural, technical, non technical events, and work shop also.  

Registration Link http://www.eestitha.com/wp-login.php?action=register

Technocratic 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Technocratic 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Avanthis Research and Technological Academy, Vizianagram, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 29th September 2012
Last date: 25th September 2012


Technocratic 2k12 A One Day Technical Symposium Conducting By Avanthi's Research &
Technological Academy Basavapalem(V),Bhogapuram(M) Vizianagaram (Dist), Andhra Pradesh 

Website: http://technocratic2k12.webnode.in/ 

Evince 2k12 | ECE Technical Fest

Event: Evince 2k12 | ECE Technical Fest

Organised by:
Rajeev Gandhi Memmorial College of Engineering and Technology, Nandyal, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 12th-14th October 2012
Last date:


we are conducting 14th NATIONAL LEVEL STUDENTS TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM .Thousands of colleges, Lakhs of competitors, Huge panel of Judges, when the dark dawn paves the vanished with the thundering applause, when the talent unshackles its wings, when the brilliance quenches its thirst, when the moods of the technocracts goes stupendous, there comes EVINCE to win thousands of hearts and to judder the youth. A National Level Student Technical Symposium all set to bring you an overwhelming, enchanting experience expanding its horizons with no limits at RGMCET. The world of astounding zeal is awaiting, the wait is worth it. The knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough we must do!


Paper Presentation

For any queries feel free to Contact Us:

R.Anand emailid:raja.anand16@gmail.com
P.Harish Reddy emailid:nandiharish952@gmail.com

How to Reach The College :

College is 10KMS away from Nandyal beside NH-18 towards Kurnool.


Eco-Resurrectors 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Eco-Resurrectors 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Project Greenshield, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 3rd-6th October 2012
Last date:


The Eco-Resurrectors (Environment-bring back to use)is the event conducting by the Project Greenshield entity as part of the project. To bring awareness in youngsters this event invites various candidates to express their ideas in various categories


1. Project, Paper & Poster Competition to Biosciences catgeory.
2. Paper & Poster Presentation competition to all ECE, EEE, CSE and IT categories
3. Digital Movie Competitions

For any queries feel free to Contact Us:

Mr. Manoj


Sunday, 9 September 2012

UX India 2012 | Conference

Event: UX India 2012 | Conference

Organised by:
ISB Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 26th-28th September 2012 

Website: http://www.ux-india.org/ 

Orditronique 12 | Technical Fest

Event: Orditronique 12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Narayana Engineering College, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 12th September 2012

Website: http://www.nececm.com/ 

Thrusang 12 | Electronics And Computer Engineering Technical Fest

Event: Thrusang 12 | Electronics And Computer Engineering Technical Fest

Organised by:
KL University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 14th-15th September 2012
Last date: 7th September 2012 

Website: http://www.kluniversity.in/ecm/thrusang12/ 

Anuttara 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Anuttara 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Sri Nagojirao Institute of Technology and Sciences (Women), Mahabubnagar, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 7th-8th September 2012
Last date: 4th September 2012 

read more “Anuttara 2012, Sri Nagojirao Institute of Technology and Sciences, Technical Fest, Mahabubnagar, Andhra Pradesh, September 7-8 2012”

TechnoFuse 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: TechnoFuse 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Vaishnavi Institute Of Technology, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 15th September 2012
Last date: submission of full paper-31/08/2012(***delay of one or two days is accepted),
date of intimation-05/09/2012

read more “TechnoFuse 2012, Vaishnavi Institute Of Technology, Technical Fest, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, September 15 2012”

Maestro 2k12 | Technical Fest

Maestro 2k12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy Institute Of Technology & Science, Udayagiri, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 6th October 2012
Last date: Submission of Papers (On or Before) 27-09-2012
Notification of Acceptance 01-10-2012 

read more “Maestro 2k12, Mekapati Rajamohan Reddy Institute Of Technology and Science, Technical Fest, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, October 6 2012” 

Athira 2k12 | Technical Fest

Event: Athira 2k12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Visakha Institute of Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 21st & 22nd September 2012

Athira 2k12 Website: http://www.athira2k12.com/

Talentia 2k12 | Technical Fest

Event: Talentia 2k12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
DVR & Dr. HS MIC institute of Technology, Kanchikacherla, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 12th September 2012

Website: http://www.mictalentia.com/ 

Veda 2k12 | All Departments Technical Fests

Event: Veda 2k12 | All Departments Technical Fests

Organised by:
Aditya Engineerinng College, East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 10th-15th September 2012
Last date: 8th September 2012 

Website: http://aec.edu.in/veda2012/ 

Gnosis 2k12 | Technical Symposium

Event: Gnosis 2k12 | Technical Symposium

Organised by:
N.B.K.R Institute of Science and Technology, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 15th September 2012
Last date: 10th September 2012 

Website: http://www.nbkrist.org/workshop/ISTE_GNOSIS.html 

Aspire 2k12 | Technical Fest

Event: Aspire 2k12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Aditya Institute of Technology And Management, Tekkali, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 21st-22nd September 2012
Last date: 13th September 2012 

read more “Aspire 2k12, Aditya Institute of Technology And Management, Technical Fest, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, September 21-22 2012”

ISME Mache 2012 | ECE Departmnet Fest

Event: ISME Mache 2012 | ECE Departmnet Fest

Organised by:
Lenora College of Engineering, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 14th September 2012
Last date: 10th September 2012  

Website: http://lenoisme.blogspot.in/ 

Samyak 2012 | National Level Techno-Managment Fest

Event: Samyak 2012 | National Level Techno-Managment Fest

Organised by:
KL University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th-6th October 2012
Last date: 25th September 2012


Impact 2k12 | Technical Fest

Event: Impact 2k12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
KBR Engineering College, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 14th-15th September 2012
Last date: 10th September 2012  

Impact 2k12 Website: http://www.kbrec.in/impact 

Recent Trends In Cloud Computing And Virtualization

Event: Recent Trends In Cloud Computing And Virtualization

Organised by:
Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 13th-15th September 2012
Last date of Registration: 10-09-12.
Intimation for Participation: 11-09-12. 

read more “Cloud Computing Workshop, Vidya Vikas Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, September 13-15 2012” 

exQuiz me 2012 | Quiz Fest

exQuiz me 2012 | Quiz Fest

Organised by:
Esparsha, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 5th September - 4th October 2012
Last date: 4th October 2012 

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/esparsha4you 

Texzellenz 12 | Technical Fest

Event: Texzellenz 12 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Anurag College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 21st-22nd September 2012
Last date: 18th September 2012 

Website: http://www.texzellenz.com/ 

Electrovibes 2k12 | ECE Department Fest

Event: Electrovibes 2k12 | ECE Department Fest

Organised by:
Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering, Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 11th - 12th October 2012
Last date: submission of ppt etc.,20/9/2012
last date for registration 5/10/2012  

Website: http://scce.ac.in/ece/ 

Momentum 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Momentum 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Maheshwara Institute Of Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 14th-15th September 2012

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/265386330247580/ 

Ecotech 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Ecotech 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Andhra University College of Engineering for Women, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 22nd September 2012
Last date: 15th September 2012

Website: http://www.auweesa.eee.org.in/ 

Potenzia 2012 | Technical Fest

Event: Potenzia 2012 | Technical Fest

Organised by:
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 26th-27th September 2012
Last date: 20th September 2012 

Website: http://potenzia.mgit.ac.in/ 

Advaita 2k12 | All Departments Technical Symposium

Event: Advaita 2k12 | All Departments Technical Symposium

Organised by:
Ramappa Engineering College, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 14th-15th September 2012
Last date: 11th September 2012 

Website: http://www.advaita2k12.in/ 

Aavirbhav 2k12 | Bio Technology Department Fest

Event: Aavirbhav 2k12 | Bio Technology Department Fest

Organised by:
JNTUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 25th-26th September 2012
Last date: 17th september for paper and poster and 21st september for workshop 

Website: http://www.aavirbhav.org/ 

Amp 2k12 | EEE Technical Fest

Event: Amp 2k12 | EEE Technical Fest

Organised by:
Sri Krishnadevaraya University, College of Engineering and Technology, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 28th-29th September 2012
Website: http://amp2k12.org/ 

Krishi Chanakya 2012 | B-fest to Revolutionise the Agri Business

Event: Krishi Chanakya 2012 | B-fest to Revolutionise the Agri Business

Organised by:
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Key dates:

Fest dates: 3rd November 2012
Last date: 25th September 2012

Website: http://www.manageites.org/krishi/ 

TeknoWarZ - T12 | Technical fest

Event: TeknoWarZ - T12 | Technical fest

Organised by:
Stanley Stephen College of Engineering and Technology, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh 

Website: http://teknowarz.stanleystephen.edu.in/